Sunday, November 1, 2009

There's this season between summer and winter called fall. Apparently Montana is unaware.

I was waiting to post until I had a photo to prove that the first sign of winter had shown its face, but it's been too long and I just can't wait any more!

We had our first snowfall a few weeks ago now, and as soon as I woke up and saw it on the ground I almost went and put my ski boots on... But I refrained, and took some photos instead. It melted pretty quickly but it sure got me excited for ski season to get here!

We've had more snow here and there, but nothing has stuck for more than a day yet. The mountains, on the other hand, have been covered for about a week now, so it looks like it'll stick around for the rest of the winter. At least one brave (or stupid, not sure) soul has skied up on Big Mountain so far, but it's not quite to the point where it won't completely scratch your skis up...
It's funny to realize that I've had the heat on in the house and car for about a month now when back in the midwest I'd just now be dusting off the cold weather gear... But I'm definitely not complaining! Speaking of -- I'll be back in IL in 2 weeks for a quick visit, so if you'll be around let me know. Might be the last chance until the spring... gotta get your Emily fill while you can!

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