Friday, July 24, 2009

Super quick update

Okay, so I finally found a few minutes worth of internet time to tell you what's been going on.

1. 14 mile round-trip hike to Swiftcurrent Pass in Glacier Park with a bunch of people from work/friends/etc. Result = exhaustion and altitude headache that has lasted a week.

2. Mountain bike race #2, 2 laps this time instead of one. Result = exhaustion and 3rd place ribbon (out of 3 riders in my category.... oh well I finished at least!)

3. Week #2 of work finished. Result = exhaustion along with a feeling of satisfaction. I think I've found a good home :)

So, as you can see, it's been busy and exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I've been slowly but surely settling in and it feels good.

I promise to be better at this update thing once I get internet in my apartment. Until then, you'll just have to deal :)

1 comment:

Linda said...

Love the picture, Em. Sounds like you are having so much fun!