Monday, July 27, 2009

Update: extended version

Alright, well now that I have more than just a couple of minutes to spare, I thought I would catch you up on a few things that have been going on in the life of Emily.

I am starting to feel a little bad for Zoje these days.... I don't spend a whole lot of time at home, and when I'm home I'm not often in the mood to be playful and chase her around the apartment. So I hope she's not feeling too bored sitting around by herself. I'm sure she doesn't even realize that she's home alone 10-12 hours of the day. She probably finds just as much amusement chasing rogue bugs around the apartment and looking out the window as she would with me. But it's making me consider finding her a playmate, maybe a new little kitty?? We'll just have to see.

Also, I've been living without a microwave. I kind of like the idea that I don't have a radioactive appliance (okay, so most appliances are radioactive to one degree or another, and my hairdryer probably emits more waves than my microwave ever did...). I also find it fulfilling to cook rather than reheat. But I sure do miss being able to shove some leftovers in there to heat up in a minute rather than waiting for the oven to heat up or dirtying a pot on the stove.

I still have at least 3 boxes that have not been unpacked, sitting in my living room. I also have a rug sitting on my dining room table, my road bike's front wheel has not once been put on, and my clothes drying rack is still the most prominent piece of furniture in my bedroom. Someday I'll have a presentable apartment. Someday...

I do not yet have internet in my apartment. I can get DSL in the house upstairs, but I hate to spend all my time up there when I could be comfortable in my place with my stuff. Someday I'll have real internet in my apartment and be able to update more easily. Someday...

I went waterskiing yesterday with Scott, his new wife Erica, their friends visiting this week, and Ben and his family. I'm very proud to say that I got right up on the skis no problem and didn't fall once! I skipped right over the wake and took several bumps and didn't embarrass myself one bit (well, not with the skiing at least....). Now I'm itching to try dropping a ski or giving the wakeboard a try. Maybe by the end of summer I'll have accomplished one of those.

My altitude headache is finally gone. It might have been the lack of iron in my diet, I decided, that didn't help. I don't really know. All I know is that it's gone and I'm much happier. :)

Work continues to be busy, but it makes the days go by really fast! I even worked this weekend with Scott at the hospital in acute care and didn't mind it at all. I have had several new evals lately to build up my schedule and there is a lot of paperwork involved, but it's nice to see my patient load increasing and being able to decide what to do with patients and see them progress. It's starting to feel like a profession now.

Okay, wow, that was a long post. I still don't have any pictures, but I know people who have been snapping shots so I'll have to snag some when they post them. Someday my life won't be so scattered. Maybe... ;-)

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