Thursday, April 23, 2009

Long time coming...

Alright, so I know it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. But hey, I've been busy.

We're down to the last couple of weeks of classes, and it's just crazy how quickly it has come to this point. This semester has flown by, even though I was sure it was going to take forever for graduation to get here. Now all that stands in the way of me finishing is a couple of presentations and two exams. Completely do-able!

The other thing that my class is working on are skits for skit night. Every year the 3rd years put on a skit night and the ones that I've gone to the last 2 years have been hysterical. I was crying last year it was so freakin funny. The class has been taping all week and then editing will happen all weekend to get it all ready to go next Wednesday. Oh man, I cannot wait! The ones I've seen so far have been downright ridiculous, and that's before any editing!

I'm hoping it's finally going to be dry this Sunday to go mountain biking. I've been waiting forever for a good day to go and every weekend it's been crappy and wet. I don't feel like pushing through huge mud pits my first time out this year. Give me a warm up, at least!

Okay, back to skits. Maybe I can get a copy of one of the videos to post on here, though it won't really make sense to anyone outside of the PT program......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
