Monday, June 29, 2009

Sewing galore!

Well, I've been at it again! I think I've done more sewing in the past week than I have in the past 10 years.....

Mom got out her flannel scraps that she's been wanting to do something with and we decided I should make a bed for Zoje. She's never really been a kitty-bed kind of gal, but I thought maybe if I made it just right then she'd use it. Turns out I was correct! After putting it in her various favorite places around the house, she finally decided to lay on it and I don't think she climbed off for several hours. Success!

And it was super easy. I'm hoping this will motivate me to use the sewing machine more often.... I have not been good about that and there are so many things I could make on my own and avoid having to buy. All part of that more eco-friendly thing I'm trying to do, too.

Now, what should I make next??


Anonymous said...

Make an aquarium!!!!!

Mike Smith said...

Or a rocket ship!